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  • Associate 教授essor of 教育

    教授essor 6月王 earned a master’s degree in special education from Southern Illinois University. She earned her doctoral degree in philosophy with a specialization in inclusion and a minor in research and evaluation methodology from the University of Florida.

    教授. Wang was an English teacher in China for almost three years. Since she came to the United States, she has taught students with mild to severe disabilities, students who are struggling, and students from diverse cultural backgrounds. During her stay at the University of Florida, she was also working as a technical assistance specialist for the Collaboration for Effective Educator 发展, 问责制, and Reform (CEEDAR) Center, a national technical assistance center funded by the Office of Special 教育 Programs to assist states and institutes of higher education in reforming teacher and leader preparation programs, revising state licensure standards, refining state personnel evaluation systems, and realigning state policy structures and professional learning systems.

    教授. Wang’s research interests are effective instructional practices for students with special needs; culturally responsive practices; collaboration;  teacher education; and professional learning. She has published several articles in peer-reviewed journals as well as book chapters, and presented her research efforts at some national and regional conferences.

    • Ph.D. — Special education with a minor in research and evaluation methodology, University of Florida, 2016
    • M.S. — Special education with a concentration in curriculum adaptation, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2008
    • B.S. — English literature, Xiangtan University, 1999
    • EDU 1010 教育 and Society
    • EDU 2140 Principles of Instructional Design
    • EDU 2080 Instructional Technology for Exceptional Learners
    • EDU 3050 Teaching Learners with Diverse Characteristics
    • EDU 4090 Methods for Teaching Elementary Level Exceptional Learners
    • EDU 4100 Methods for Teaching Secondary Level Exceptional Learners

    My research interests are effective instructional practices for students with special needs; culturally responsive practices; collaboration; teacher education; and professional learning. I have published several peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. Meanwhile, I also made presentations at some national and regional conferences.

    2018 Lives of Teachers Sig Best Paper Award from Lives of Teacher Sig of the American 教育al 研究 Association

    • 贝蒂尼,E.王杰.卡明,M.基默林,J., & 威尔逊,年代. (新闻). Special educator’s experiences of their roles in self-contained classes for students with emotional/behavioral disorders. “Remedial and Special 教育.”
    • 王,我.贝蒂尼,E., & Cheyney K. (2013). Students with emotional and behavioral disorders as peer tutors: A valued role. “除了 Behavior,” 23(1), 12-22.
    • 小的时候,米.索贝尔,D.麦克雷,E., & 王,我. (2015). Redesigning personnel preparation: Lessons learned and considerations for program enhancement. “Teacher 教育 and Special 教育,” 38(4), 306-322.
    • 迈尔斯,J.王杰.布朗内尔,M., & Gagnon J. (2015). Mathematics intervention for students with LD in secondary school settings: A literature review. “Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal,” 13(2), 207-235.
    • 贝蒂尼,E.切尼,K.王杰., & Leko C. (2015). Job design: An administrator’s guide to retaining and supporting special educators. “Intervention in School and Clinic,” 50(4), 221-225.
    • Cheyney K.王杰., & 贝蒂尼,E. (2013). Make every word count: Language as a bridge to self-regulation in early childhood settings. “Dimensions,” 41(2), 11-29.
    • Christoun L. & 王,我. (2018). Misconceptions about English language learners:
 Culturally responsive instructional practices for linguistically diverse students. 在
Nilufer G. (Ed.). “Optimizing elementary education for English language learners” 
(pp.1-19). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
    • 本尼迪克特,.布朗内尔,M.格里芬,C.王杰., & 迈尔斯,J. (2016). Leveraging professional development for general and special education teachers teaching within response to intervention frameworks: 教授essional development for response to intervention frameworks. 在T. 琐碎的,. J. 很好,还有M. Putman
(Eds.). “Handbook of research on professional development for quality teaching
and learning” (pp. 42-61). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
    • 索贝尔,D.小M.麦克雷,E. D., & 王,我. (2014). “A review of the OSEP 325T
program redesign projects: Analysis, 合成, and recommendations” (Document No. BPR-1). 盖恩斯维尔, FL: Collaboration for Effective Educator, 发展, 问责制, 改革中心. 
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