bv伟德ios下载学院的bv伟德ios下载课程提供全面的四年职业准备课程, 这有助于学生制定目标和培养生活技能的动态方法. 学生将拥有成为终身学习者和对世界有影响力的贡献者的能力,并在计划没有按计划进行时恢复过来.

The bv伟德ios下载 Program will help students to develop these key 技能:

  • Develop a sense of self — 技能, values, vocation/calling, 和 interests.
  • Identify opportunities to use those 技能 in the world (for example, 在实习, 工作, or service activities).
  • 积极主动,表现出创造力、创业技能、领导能力和适应力.
  • 学习期望行业的专业规范,以便更好地展示和确保与他们的个人和职业目标相关的职位.
  • Receive career advisors 和 mentors from the first days on campus. All Carthage students receive an assigned 职业生涯 Specialist, 谁与学生的学术顾问合作,帮助学生在大学取得成功并为未来制定计划.
  • Participate in a wide range of experiential learning opportunities. 实习, 出国留学, 研究, 还有许多其他的机会可以让学生培养当今就业市场所需的技能.
  • 培养领导能力、企业家精神和创造力,在变革的时代领导和发展. With 40 percent of 工作 likely to change significantly within the next 10 years, Carthage is educating students for today 明天.

我们的职业成功方法减轻了学生的压力,帮助他们做出更好的决定,为毕业后的生活做好准备. We celebrate small 和 big accomplishments; career development is a journey with many ups 和 downs. bv伟德ios下载的学生加入了一个探索自己是谁以及如何在世界上有所作为的社区. 学生将设计一个个性化的计划来组织他们的探索,并为未来设定目标, which will be revised 和 developed throughout their time at Carthage.

Participation in The bv伟德ios下载 Program is expected for all Carthage students. From their first year on campus, 学生将自动注册参加bv伟德ios下载计划及其许多活动. 例如, 所有一年级学生都将在必修的大学成功研讨会上制定他们的My bv伟德ios下载计划. 许多其他bv伟德ios下载组件将内置到bv伟德ios下载学术课程和学生生活活动.

  • At Carthage, each student is assigned a career advisor, known as a 职业生涯 Specialist, in The bv伟德ios下载 Center during their first year.
  • Each bv伟德ios下载 职业生涯 Specialist has industry knowledge, informed by regular contact with alumni 和 employers. Most specialists possess work experience related to the fields they advise, not just work experience in higher education or career counseling.
  • 职业专家了解个人发展,以及如何帮助学生设定目标,克服障碍或挑战
  • 职业生涯 Specialists don’t work alone; they serve as connectors to help students maximize their use of on- 和 off-campus resources. 例如, an bv伟德ios下载 职业生涯 Specialist may help students find faculty, upper-class students, 和 alumni with similar interests, 或者确定社交活动,让学生可以与bv伟德ios下载直接网络之外的专业人士联系. bv伟德ios下载位于芝加哥到密尔沃基的走廊上,为学生提供了许多与全球公司联系的机会, thriving start-ups, 和 everything in between.
  • At Carthage, each student is assigned a career advisor, known as a 职业生涯 Specialist, in The bv伟德ios下载 Center during their first year.
  • Each bv伟德ios下载 职业生涯 Specialist has industry knowledge, informed by regular contact with alumni 和 employers. Most specialists possess work experience related to the fields they advise, not just work experience in higher education or career counseling.
  • 职业专家了解个人发展,以及如何帮助学生设定目标,克服障碍或挑战
  • 职业生涯 Specialists don’t work alone; they serve as connectors to help students maximize their use of on- 和 off-campus resources. 例如, an bv伟德ios下载 职业生涯 Specialist may help students find faculty, upper-class students, 和 alumni with similar interests, 或者确定社交活动,让学生可以与bv伟德ios下载直接网络之外的专业人士联系. bv伟德ios下载位于芝加哥到密尔沃基的走廊上,为学生提供了许多与全球公司联系的机会, thriving start-ups, 和 everything in between.
We know that personal 和 career development aren’t always easy. 我们正在开发一个值得国家区分的项目,因为它能够有效地吸引学生,并为他们的目标生活做好准备. The bv伟德ios下载 Program is designed to be utilized by all students. 考虑到校园人口的多样性——包括传统年龄的学生和非传统年龄的学生——学生们肯定会有不同的动机参加bv伟德ios下载. 我们让参与变得容易,机会在整个校园社区都是整合的. 一旦所有组成部分都完全启动,学生几乎不可避免地要参加The bv伟德ios下载 Program.
bv伟德ios下载’s components are sequenced. ……很重要。, 例如, 学生在被推荐到实习地点之前,首先要完成一份兴趣清单和模拟面试. Eligibility for each stage of bv伟德ios下载 depends on having accomplished earlier stages. bv伟德ios下载的学生可以获得特殊的工具,使他们能够与他们的学生合作 职业生涯 Specialist to see progress toward program requirements.
Opportunities to fulfill bv伟德ios下载 components will vary by semester, 但是每年都会有正式和非正式的机会来发展职业目标和领导能力. Every eligible student, 例如, 参加实习或其他经验组成部分,并将在BETVLCTOR伟德登录的第三年之前或期间至少参加一次. bv伟德ios下载 职业生涯 Specialists will assist in ensuring that all students have such an experience, helping match students to opportunities.
bv伟德ios下载 职业生涯 Specialists work individually with students to find appropriate experiences for their interests. While internships are a common way that students complete the experiential component, other opportunities include off-campus study programs with applied learning, courses with substantial field experiences, 和 研究 opportunities.
No. Students do not need to pay anything extra to complete The bv伟德ios下载 Program, though some optional opportunities may require an additional fee.
No. 学生可以使用bv伟德ios下载现有的学术日历(包括J-Term)在四年内完成学位和bv伟德ios下载计划的所有组成部分。. 一些最具竞争力的实习和研究经历只在夏季提供, so students may need to plan for that.
  • Starting in Fall 2019, 所有一年级的bv伟德ios下载学生将开始设计一个ibv伟德ios下载计划来明确他们的兴趣, 技能, 和目标. They will consult with their 职业生涯 Specialist 并在bv伟德ios下载继续完善这个计划.
  • All Carthage students may participate in The bv伟德ios下载 Conference, which helps them meet faculty, 同伴导师, 以及重要校友. Each year different tracks are available to support exploring career options, securing internships (和 other relevant experiential learning opportunities), 和 building 技能 to lead 和 succeed after graduation.
  • 学生将确定他们的新导师团队,并与他们的职业专家接触,以确定他们可能需要的支持,以确保有意义的体验式学习机会.
  • Students secure real experiences to build 技能 和 social networks.

Through The bv伟德ios下载 Program, students will learn to see possibilities 和 options. 他们将学会设计计划,同时理解新的信息或经历可能会改变这些计划. 他们将了解到,当职业发展融入我们的日常生活时,它是最有效的, 不是偶然的. bv伟德ios下载计划通过帮助学生培养鼓励终身成长的思维习惯,为学生的终身成功做好准备.

别担心! Even students with very clear plans will likely alter their plans over time. Through The bv伟德ios下载 Program, you will learn how to set a direction, 以及如何利用bv伟德ios下载和更广泛的社区的许多资源来测试你的选择,并为你可能决定bv伟德ios下载的任何事情做好准备.