Students studying political science at Carthage have many opportunities to enrich their education.


Political science majors are often interested in 模拟联合国 at Carthage, a student-run organization that seeks to introduce students to global issues and the inner workings of the United Nations. Students participate in simulations of the Security Council, General Assembly, and the Economic and Social Council. Participants travel to conferences and engage in negotiations and debates about global issues that are being discussed by world leaders today. The organization is for students interested in politics, 经济学, 历史, philosophy, 地理位置, the natural sciences, the art of persuasion, or just learning more about other cultures. All majors are welcome.



j项 is a special month-long period of study in January in which Carthage students take a single course on campus or join a study tour to another part of the world. The Political Science Department offers a number of j项 courses and trips. Students have studied the politics, 经济学 and culture of Argentina, 古巴, the Galapagos Islands, Russia and more.

Learn more about J-tErm


One of the best ways to find a job in government is to obtain an internship that may lead to a paid position. Carthage faculty and The Aspire Center assist students in finding internships. In recent years, Carthage political science students have interned in the U.S. House of Representatives; worked at the Republican Governors Association in Washington, D.C., and interned with the U.S. Department of State in Rennes, France.

Scholarships and Awards

The Political Science Department offers awards every year to recognize exceptional work by students, including the Eric H. Olson and Anna Olson-Thom Scholarship and the Political Science Senior Recognition Award.

International Political Economy

For students interested in public policy in today’s global economy, Carthage offers a major in International Political Economy. This interdisciplinary program is designed for students who want to focus their work in political science, 经济学 and business on the evolving web of today’s global relationships. Students majoring in IPE take courses in business, 经济学, 地理位置, modern languages, political science, and social science.

Learn more about Carthage’s International Political Economy Major

Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Carthage is a member of the Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies. The institute is a unique and vital consortium of private and public colleges and universities dedicated to enriching academic and public discourse on issues of peace and conflict. The Institute is non-partisan and encourages debate and discussion of multiple perspectives, not only of foreign policy issues and global areas of conflict, but also of intercultural communication, gender relations, and environmental sustainability.